
AVCS Consultant provides the most comprehensive, full-service business and immigration solutions in the Hungarian market. Our services are priced as convenient packages, including everything you need to achieve your goals in Hungary. Our company formation, business/investment immigration packages, translation fees, and hourly rates are cost-effective and affordable, while still providing top-notch service. For more information, email us at


We offer you a wide range of investment opportunities in Hungary that provide the best return on investment. Choose from expertly selected residential and commercial property in Budapest and all over the country, complemented by property management once you made the purchase. Get access to the top local real estate deals – starting from just EUR 50,000


If you are looking to start a business in Hungary but do not want to deal with the hassle of starting a business from scratch, consider buying into a local franchise chain. With our help, you can have a business up and running in just months. We manage our portfolio through ongoing market research and network-building to ensure that you always have access to the best franchise options available. The typical initial investment Starts from EUR 40,000


AVCS Consultants aim to represent our client’s interests and find them the best possible deals through our extensive network. We focus on selected and pre-evaluated, often unlisted “insider” opportunities that you will not find anywhere else (starting from EUR 50,000). Whether you are an investor searching for the perfect premises, or looking to buy an apartment in Budapest for your family, Helpers is here to assist you through every step of the process. We specialize in mid-range to high-end properties with a good return on investment.


Exclusively through AVCS Consultants, there is now a fast and easy way for you to become an EU resident, and obtain PR after some time, and we will also assist you in acquiring EU Citizenship through investment in Hungarian real estate. This program is similar to well-known programs available in Dubai, Spain, or Portugal – but it costs much less, and the processing time is much shorter. Get ready to elevate your status with AVCS Consultants!


There are various ways to get a Hungarian residency. Let us help you acquire residency through business ownership, family unification, with a student visa, or help you with work permits, employment-related paperwork, or citizenship application. Assistance with driving license localization and address cards is also available.

  • Residence permit
  • Business Immigration
  • Golden Visa
  • Hungarian Investment Immigration Program
  • Work permit
  • Driving license obtaining
  • Family visas
  • Hungarian Citizenship

